Leadership Tools & Seminars for 21st Century Leaders

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The Book

"Blessed is the leader who seeks the best for those he serves." 
- Unknown

 Leadership Lessons 
 From The Bible
 40 Timeless Principles For
 21st Century Leaders

 R.L. Bramble

 Leadership Lessons provides a
 guide for the application of 40
 timeless principles that are
 necessary for successful 
 leadership in all organizations - 
 the church, business, or government.
 Secular examples are included to
 enable the reader to apply these 
 principles to modern-day situations.

 To order, click on the image of the  
 book above.  To order an autographed copy, please mail your order, payment, & to whom you'd like the book autographed to, plus $3.00 for shipping and handling to: P.O. Box 791104, San Antonio, TX 78279-1104.

Leadership Lessons From
The Bible Study Guide

R. L. Bramble

This individual study guide is the companion piece to the Leadership Lessons book includes corresponding case studies for each of the 40 Principles of Leadership. The study guide may be used as a study guide or as a curriculum for a 40 week Leadership Course.  


To order your study guide, please mail your payment of $15.00 plus $4.00 shipping and handling to: P.O. Box 791104, San Antonio, TX 78279-1104.                     


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